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API Reference



enumerate(name, values) -> Enumeration

Returns an Enumeration based on the provided name and values table. The values table can be provided as a list-like table for simple string enums, or as a dictionary-like table for other value types. The method throws an error if a value appears more than once.

List-Like Table Example

local Sport = enumerate("Sport", { "Basketball", "Baseball", "Hockey", })
local favoriteSports = { Sport.Basketball, Sport.Baseball, }

Dictionary-Like Table Example

local DayOfWeek = enumerate("DayOfWeek", {
    Sunday = 1,
    Monday = 2,
    Tuesday = 3,
    Wednesday = 4,
    Thursday = 5,
    Friday = 6,
    Saturday = 7,
local weekendDays = { DayOfWeek.Sunday, DayOfWeek.Saturday, }

Enumeration API


fromRawValue() -> EnumerationValue | nil

Returns an EnumerationValue from the calling Enumeration or nil if the raw value does not exist


local ErrorCode = enumerate("ErrorCode", { NotFound = 404, Forbidden = 403, })

local isErrorCode = ErrorCode.fromRawValue(someResponse.status) ~= nil
local isNotFound = responseErrorCode == ErrorCode.NotFound


isEnumValue(value) -> bool

Returns true only if the provided value is an EnumerationValue that is a member of the calling Enumeration


local ErrorCode = enumerate("ErrorCode", { NotFound = 404, Forbidden = 403, })

local isErrorCode = ErrorCode.isEnumValue(ErrorCode.NotFound)

EnumerationValue API


rawValue() -> string | number | table | function | userdata

Returns the raw underlying value of the EnumerationValue


local Color = enumerate("Color", {
    Black = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0),
    White = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255),

local blackColor3 = Color.Black.rawValue()