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React Focus Navigation

React Focus Navigation

A library for handling UI interactions with directional input, like gamepad or keyboard, in React applications. This is intended to be the primary API surface for the focus-navigation workspace.



type FocusNavigationService = FocusNavigation.FocusNavigationService

Re-exports the FocusNavigationService from FocusNavigation.


type EngineInterface = FocusNavigation.EngineInterface

Re-exports the EngineInterface from FocusNavigation.



type FocusNavigationContext = React.Context<FocusNavigation.FocusNavigationService?>

A context object to use for providing and consuming a FocusNavigationService instance.

Use FocusNavigationContext.Provider to include a FocusNavigationService instance in a React tree:

local focusNav =

React.createElement(FocusNavigationContext.Provider, {
  value = focusNav
}, children)

You should generally only need to consume the context-provided FocusNavigationService via the hooks provided with this library. However, you can also use FocusNavigationContext.Consumer or React.useContext(FocusNavigationContext) if you need direct access to the FocusNavigationService.



function useEventMap(
  eventMap: FocusNavigation.EventMap,
  innerRef: React.Ref<GuiObject>?
): React.Ref<GuiObject>

Allows a React component to register an EventMap on the FocusNavigationService. Returns a ref that must be assigned to the host component that will be associated with the event map.

The useEventMap hook can optionally handle an inner ref, to which it will forward all updates. If you need to do something else with your ref in addition to assigning an event map, provide an inner ref.

When unmounting, changing the event map, or when the ref's value changes, the hook automatically handles de-registration and re-registration of the EventMap.


If you would like to compose the refs created by useEventMap and useEventHandlerMap, useEventMap's ref should be used as the innerRef for useEventHandlerMap rather than the other way around.

Sample Code
local EVENT_MAP: EventMap = {
 [Enum.KeyCode.ButtonX] = "ToggleItemDetails",
 [Enum.KeyCode.ButtonY] = "SearchInventory",
 [Enum.KeyCode.ButtonR1] = "ViewNextItem",
 [Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL1] = "ViewPreviousItem",

local TestComponent = function(props)
  local eventMapRef = useEventMap(EVENT_MAP)

  -- Let's assume we receive our event handlers as a map from a parent component
  local eventHandlerMapRef = useEventHandlerMap(props.eventHandlers)

  return React.createElement("Frame", {
    Size = UDim2.fromScale(1, 1),
    ref = eventMapRef,
  }, {
    ItemInventoryContainer = React.createElement("Frame", {
      Size = UDim2.fromScale(0.5, 0.5),
      Position = UDim2.fromScale(0.5, 0.5),
      AnchorPoint =, 0.5),
      ref = eventHandlerMapRef,
    }, {
      -- Pretend there are multiple selectable elements here
In this example, whenever focus is within ItemInventoryContainer, if a user presses one of the keys mapped in EVENT_MAP, any handler from props.eventHandlers that was mapped to the corresponding event name will be triggered.


function useEventHandlerMap(
  eventHandlerMap: FocusNavigation.EventHandlerMap,
  innerRef: React.Ref<GuiObject>?
): React.Ref<GuiObject>

Allows a React component to register an EventHandlerMap on the FocusNavigationService. Returns a ref that must be assigned to the host component that will be associated with the event map.

The useEventHandlerMap hook can optionally handle an inner ref, to which it will forward all updates. If you need to do something else with your ref in addition to assigning an event map, provide an inner ref.

When unmounting, changing the event handler map, or when the ref's value changes, the hook automatically handles de-registration and re-registration of the EventHandlerMap.


Event handler callbacks MUST be created using InputHandlers. Like all callbacks, these functions should be declared in a static or memoized location, as they will otherwise be recreated during render cycles, which can cause them to miss events or lose input state.

Sample Code
local TestComponent = function(props)
  -- Event handlers should always be memoized so that event state is not lost between renders
  local eventHandlerMap = React.useMemo(function()
    local map = {}

    map["HideItemDetails"] = InputHandlers.OnRelease(function()

    map["SearchInventory"] = InputHandlers.OnRelease(function()

    map["ToggleMenu"] = InputHandlers.OnRelease(function()

    return map
  end, {})

  local eventHandlerRef = useEventHandlerMap(eventHandlerMap)

  return React.createElement("Frame", {
    Size = UDim2.fromScale(1, 1),
    ref = eventHandlerMapRef,
  }, {
    -- Pretend there are multiple selectable elements here
In this example, whenever focus is within TestComponent's Frame, if the user presses any key that eventHandlerMap maps to event names in the current ActiveEventMap, the callback within the event's corresponding handler will be triggered.


function useEventHandler(
  eventName: string,
  eventHandler: FocusNavigation.EventHandler,
  phase: FocusNavigation.EventPhase?,
  innerRef: React.Ref<GuiObject>?
): React.Ref<GuiObject>

Allows a React component to register an EventHandler on the FocusNavigationService. Returns a ref that must be assigned to the host component that will be associated with the event map.

The useEventHandler hook can optionally handle an inner ref, to which it will forward all updates. If you need to do something else with your ref in addition to assigning an event map, provide an inner ref.

When unmounting, changing the provided event handler data, or when the ref's value changes, the hook automatically handles de-registration and re-registration of the EventHandlerMap.


Event handler callbacks MUST be created using InputHandlers. Like all callbacks, these functions should be declared in a static or memoized location, as they will otherwise be recreated during render cycles, which can cause them to miss events or lose input state.

Sample Code
local TestComponent = function(props)
  -- The event handler should always be memoized so that event state is not lost between renders
  local eventHandler = React.useMemo(function()
    return InputHandlers.OnRelease(function()
  end, {})

  local eventHandlerRef = useEventHandler("CloseMenu", eventHandler)

  return React.createElement("Frame", {
    Size = UDim2.fromScale(1, 1),
    ref = eventHandlerRef,
  }, {
    -- Pretend there are multiple selectable elements here
In this example, whenever focus is within TestComponent's Frame, if the user presses any key mapped to the "CloseMenu" action in the current ActiveEventMap, the callback within our eventHandler will be triggered.


function useActiveEventMap(): FocusNavigation.EventMap

Returns an EventMap that describes the current active EventMap. The active EventMap describes all currently-bound events based on which GUI elements are focused, and what events are registered to it and its ancestors. Events bound to the same input that an ancestor is will override the ancestor's bindings to those inputs.

Sample Code
local KEYCODE_FILTER = { Enum.KeyCode.Escape, Enum.KeyCode.Tab }

local useFilteredActiveEvents = function()
  local activeEventMap = useActiveEventMap()
  local filteredEventMap = {}

  for _, keyCode in KEYCODE_FILTER do
    local eventName = activeEventMap[keyCode]
    filteredEventMap[keyCode] = eventName

  return filteredEventMap
This hook reads the active event map and then filters the available actions for events that correspond to certain [KeyCodes]( This could be used to, for example, determine which icons to display in a shortcut bar which only wants to render a subset of the currently active key binds.


function useFocusedGuiObject(): GuiObject?

Returns the currently-focused GuiObject via FocusNavigationService's focusedGuiObject observable property. This hook triggers an update each time the focus changes.

See useFocusGuiObject's code sample for usage.


type FocusGuiObject = (GuiObject | nil) -> ()
function useFocusGuiObject(): FocusGuiObject

Returns a function that can be used for imperatively capturing focus. This is useful for adapting focus management to other complexities of application UI, including animations and app navigation transitions. Call this function with a GuiObject or an object ref to move focus to the target or one of its Selectable descendants.

You can also call this function with nil to unfocus the UI entirely. You may want to do this in response to inputs that are not directional, like touch or mouse input.

Sample Code
local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local React = require(Packages.React)

function useToggleFocusOnTap(object)
  local focusGuiObject = useFocusGuiObject()
  local currentlyFocused = useFocusedGuiObject()

    local tapConnection = UserInputService.TouchTap:Connect(function(position, gameProcessedEvent)
      if currentlyFocused == nil then

    return function()
  end, {})
This hook toggles focus on and off a provided GuiObject every time a mobile user taps their screen.


function useContainerFocusBehavior(behavior: ContainerFocusBehavior, innerRef: React.Ref?): React.Ref

A hook responsible for providing the desired behavior for redirecting focus within a container. There are two general scenarios in which the assigned focus behavior will redirect focus:

  • The container to which it is bound gains focus for the first time
  • The container to which it is bound regains focus after navigating away and back

For more information on these behaviors and what is defined as "containers", see FocusBehaviors.


function useDefaultFocusBehavior(): (defaultRef: React.Ref<Instance?>, containerRef: React.Ref<Instance?>)

Returns a defaultRef which can be assigned to the GuiObject that focus should default to when selection enters the container, which is similarly defined by assigning containerRef to another GuiObject. The element which defaultRef is assigned to should be a descendant of the element which containerRef is assigned to.

See default from FocusBehavior.

Sample Code
function DefaultTestComponent(props)
  local defaultRef, containerRef = useDefaultFocusBehavior()

  return React.createElement("Frame", {
    Size = UDim2.fromScale(1, 1),
    ref = containerRef,
  }, {
    DecoyButton = React.createElement("TextButton", {
      Text = "I will NOT be selected when selection enters this frame!",
    DefaultButton = React.createElement("TextButton", {
      Text = "I will be selected when selection enters this frame!",
      ref = defaultRef,


function useMostRecentFocusBehavior(): containerRef: React.Ref<Instance?>

Returns a containerRef to be assigned to the GuiObject that will redirect focus to its most recently focused descendant. This has no effect the first time focus enters the container.

See mostRecent from FocusBehavior.

Sample Code
function MostRecentTestComponent(props)
  local containerRef = useMostRecentFocusBehavior()

  return React.createElement("Frame", {
    Size = UDim2.fromScale(1, 1),
    ref = containerRef,
  }, {
    Button1 = React.createElement("TextButton", {
      Text = "",
    Button2 = React.createElement("TextButton", {
      Text = "",
    Button2 = React.createElement("TextButton", {
      Text = "",
If the user moves focus to any of the buttons within Frame, moves their selection to another element on the page, and then attempts to focus any of the three buttons, focus will be restored to whichever of Button1, Button2, or Button3 was last selected by before selection left the frame


function useMostRecentOrDefaultFocusBehavior(): (defaultRef: React.Ref<Instance?>, containerRef: React.Ref<Instance?>)

Composes the above two behaviors from useDefaultFocusBehavior and useMostRecentFocusBehavior, such that previous selection is restored but there is a default to fall back on.

As with useDefaultFocusBehavior, the element which defaultRef is assigned to should be a descendant of the element which containerRef is assigned to.

If a valid last-focused descendant exists when refocusing, it will be redirected to, using isValidFocusTarget to determine validity. If no valid targets are found, the default will be used.

See mostRecentOrDefault from FocusBehavior.

Sample Code
function MostRecentTestComponent(props)
  local defaultRef, containerRef = useMostRecentOrDefaultFocusBehavior()

  return React.createElement("Frame", {
    Size = UDim2.fromScale(1, 1),
    ref = containerRef,
  }, {
    Button1 = React.createElement("TextButton", {
      Text = "",
      ref = defaultRef,
    Button2 = React.createElement("TextButton", {
      Text = "",
    Button2 = React.createElement("TextButton", {
      Text = "",
When selection first enters the frame, Button1 will be selected. If the user moves selection to Button3, then selects something elsewhere on the page (outside of Frame), then moves focus toward any of the three buttons, Button3 will be reselected.