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API Reference



type ValueType = number | { [string]: number }
type GoalType = Otter.Goal<any> | { [string]: Otter.Goal<any> }

ReactOtter.useAnimatedBinding<ValueType, GoalType>(
    initialValue: ValueType,
    onComplete: nil | (ValueType) -> ()
): (
    binding: React.Binding<ValueType>,
    setGoal: (GoalType) -> ()
A React hook that provides a simple and expressive mechanism to drive Otter animations within React function components.

If the initial value provided is a number, the hook will use a Single Motor under the hood; if it's a table of values, it will use a Group Motor.

The returned binding can be used to provide values to properties to your component's returned elements, and the setGoal function should be called as a side effect to trigger new animations.

Learn more about how to use this hook in the usage section.


type ValueType = number | { [string]: number }
type GoalType = Otter.Goal<any> | { [string]: Otter.Goal<any> }

ReactOtter.useMotor<ValueType, GoalType>(
    initialValue: ValueType,
    onStep: (ValueType) -> ()
    onComplete: nil | (ValueType) -> ()
): setGoal: (GoalType) -> ()
A React hook that provides a slightly lower-level interface to an Otter motor. Use this hook in scenarios where a binding is not sufficient for your animation needs.

Learn more about how to use this hook in the usage section.


The useMotor hook is an escape hatch designed for handling uncommon use case. In general, you should prefer useAnimatedBinding instead.


Re-exports Otter.ease for easier use within React components.


Re-exports Otter.spring for easier use within React components.


Re-exports Otter.instant for easier use within React components.



Otter.createSingleMotor(initialValue: number): Otter.SingleMotor

Constructs a motor that controls a single value.


Otter.createGroupMotor(initialValues: { string: number }): Otter.GroupMotor

Constructs a motor that controls a group of values.


Otter.ease(targetValue: number, config: Config?): Otter.Goal<EaseState>

Constructs a goal that uses easing options to transition to the target value. The config argument is an optional table of ease configuration data.


The default ease configuration parameters.

type EaseOptions = {
    -- The duration of the animation, in seconds. Defaults to 1.
    duration: number?
    -- The easing style of the animation. Defaults to Enum.EasingStyle.Linear.
    easingStyle: Enum.EasingStyle?


Otter.spring(targetValue: number, config: Config?): Otter.Goal<SpringState>

Constructs a goal that uses spring physics to transition to the target value. The config argument is an optional table of spring configuration data. It can be one of the following:


The default spring configuration parameters.

type SpringConfig = {
    -- The undamped frequency of the spring in cycles per second. Defaults to 1.
    frequency: number?
    -- The damping ratio of the spring. Defaults to 1.
    dampingRatio: number?
    -- The resting velocity limit for the spring. Defaults to 0.001.
    restingVelocityLimit: number?
    -- The resting position limit for the spring. Defaults to 0.01.
    restingPositionLimit: number?


A set of parameters that matches the spring inputs from design tools like Figma.

type SpringConfig = {
    -- Influences the number of “bounces” in the animation.
    stiffness: number,
    -- Influences the level of spring in the animation.
    damping: number,
    -- Influences the speed of the animation and height of the bounce.
    mass: number,
     -- The resting velocity limit for the spring. Defaults to 0.001.
    restingVelocityLimit: number?
     -- The resting position limit for the spring. Defaults to 0.01.
    restingPositionLimit: number?

The spring will be considered "resting" when both its position and velocity are under their resting limits. After that point, Otter stops simulating the spring and will fire the motor's onComplete handler.

Tweaking restingVelocityLimit and restingPositionLimit may be necessary if:

  • onComplete fires too early, causing the spring visibly "teleport" to its goal
  • onComplete fires too late, causing the spring pause very near to its goal for some time before triggering completion logic


Otter.instant(targetValue: number): Otter.Goal<State>

Constructs a goal that immediately reaches the target value.

Motor API


Motor<_, GoalType>:setGoal(goal: GoalType): ()

Sets the goal of a motor and, if the motor is stopped, starts it. For single motors, the GoalType be a single goal value:


For group motors, the GoalType will be a map of goals to the values that the group motor controls:

    height = Otter.instant(100),
    transparency = Otter.spring(0),


Motor<ValueType, _>:onStep(
    callback: (value: ValueType) -> ()
): () -> ()

Subscribes to a Motor's step signal with the given callback. The signal will fire with the motor's new value(s) whenever the it updates.

A single motor will receive a number as the ValueType provided to the callback:

local subscription = singleMotor:onStep(function(value)
    print("Updated with " .. tostring(value))

A group motor will receive a mapping of string keys to number values:

local subscription = groupMotor:onStep(function(values)
    print("Updated with:")
    for key, value in values do
        print("\t" .. key .. ": " .. tostring(value))

Returns a function that, when called, unsubscribes the callback.


Motor<ValueType, _>:onComplete(
    callback: (value: ValueType) -> ()
) -> disconnectFunction

Connects a callback that will be called with the motor's current value(s) when it has reached all of its goals.

Returns a function that, when called, unsubscribes the callback.


Motor<_, _>:start(): ()

Starts the motor, allowing it to move. You shouldn't normally need to call this method; motors start themselves as needed.


Motor<_, _>:step(dt: number): ()

Manually steps the motor by a certain time step. Much like start, you shouldn't need to call this normally.


Motor<_, _>:stop(): ()

Stops the motor, freezing it in time until start or setGoal is next called.


Motor<_, _>:destroy(): ()

Destroys the motor, rendering it unusable and cleaning up any connections.