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API Reference

Roact Components


StoreProvider accepts a Rodux store via the store prop and makes it available to all components rendered under it.

It's possible to have multiple instances of StoreProvider in the same Roact tree, but most projects using Roact-Rodux will only have one.

StoreProvider is generally at the top of the tree:

Roact.createElement(RoactRodux.StoreProvider, {
    store = someStore,
}, {
    -- Any components created by `App` will be able to connect to someStore by
    -- using Roact-Rodux's `connect` method.
    App = Roact.createElement(App),


Due to limitations of Roact, StoreProvider can only have zero or one children. This requirement may be relaxed in the future when Roact supports fragments.



Connects to the Rodux store attached to the Roact tree by StoreProvider, retrieving data from the store and optionally creating functions to dispatch actions.

connect is a Higher-Order Component (HOC), which means that it wraps an existing component and adds additional functionality to it. Any props passed to the wrapped component will also be passed to the component that connect is wrapping.

connect accepts two functions, both of which are optional:

  • mapStateToProps, which accepts the store's state as the first argument, as well as the props passed to the component.
    • mapStateToProps is run whenever the Rodux store updates, as well as whenever the props passed to your component are updated.
  • mapDispatchToProps, which accepts a function that dispatches actions to your store. It works just like Store:dispatch in Rodux!
    • mapDispatchToProps is only run once per component instance.

Both mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps should return a table. These tables get merged into the props passed to the wrapped component.


mapStateToProps can also return a function. When it does, the returned function will be used to retrieve state from the store on each update. This is usually used when working with memoized functions, similar to Redux's supplemental Reselect library.

connect returns a function that should be called with the component to wrap. This API is sort of funky, but exists as-is for two primary reasons:

  • Reusing the same connection for multiple components is useful, and can be used to create abstractions over connect.
  • Since both mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps are optional, keeping them separate helps make the Roact-Rodux API cleaner.

Base example:

local function MyComponent(props)
    return Roact.createElement("TextButton", {
        Text = props.value,

        [Roact.Event.Activated] = props.onClick,

MyComponent = RoactRodux.connect(
    function(state, props)
        return {
            value = state.value,
        return {
            onClick = function()
                    type = "increment",

Using the higher-order version of mapStateToProps:

MyComponent = RoactRodux.connect(
        local getValue = memoize(function(state)
            return state.value

        return function(state, props)
            return {
                value = getValue(state),

The (very complicated) API signature of connect is:

connect([mapStateToProps, [mapDispatchToProps]]) -> (componentToWrap) -> wrappedComponent
        (storeState, props) -> propsToMerge
        () -> (storeState, props) -> propsToMerge
    mapDispatchToProps: (dispatchFn) -> propsToMerge