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Using Roact-Rodux

Create a Store with Rodux

Create your store as normal with Rodux:

local function reducer(state, action)
    state = state or {
        value = 0,

    if action.type == "increment" then
        return {
            value = state.value + 1,

    return state

local store =

Add a StoreProvider

When you render your Roact application, wrap the top-level component in a RoactRodux.StoreProvider:

local app = Roact.createElement(RoactRodux.StoreProvider, {
    store = store,
}, {
    Main = Roact.createElement(MyComponent),

This makes your Rodux store available for any components in your app. They'll access that store using the connect function.

Connect with connect

Use RoactRodux.connect to retrieve values from the store and use them in your Roact component:

-- Write your component as if Rodux is not involved first.
-- This helps guide you to create a more focused interface.

local function MyComponent(props)
    -- Values from Rodux can be accessed just like regular props
    local value = props.value
    local onClick = props.onClick

    return Roact.createElement("ScreenGui", nil, {
        Label = Roact.createElement("TextButton", {
            -- ...and used in your components!
            Text = "Current value: " .. value,
            Size =, 0, 1, 0),

            [Roact.Event.Activated] = onClick,

-- `connect` accepts two optional functions:
-- `mapStateToProps` accepts your store's state and returns props
-- `mapDispatchToProps` accepts a dispatch function and returns props

-- Both functions should return a table containing props that will be passed to
-- your component!

-- `connect` returns a function, so we call that function, passing in our
-- component, getting back a new component!
MyComponent = RoactRodux.connect(
    function(state, props)
        -- mapStateToProps is run every time the store's state updates.
        -- It's also run whenever the component receives new props.
        return {
            value = state.value,
        -- mapDispatchToProps only runs once, so create functions here!
        return {
            onClick = function()
                    type = "increment",

Now, whenever the store updates, your connected components will receive updated data and re-render!

In many ways, Roact-Rodux works just like react-redux. The public API is almost identical and most of the best practices from that ecosystem work here as well.