
Roact manages Instance event connections automatically as part of rendering.

To connect to an event, pass a prop with Roact.Event.EVENT_NAME as the key and a function as the value.

Roact will pass the instance that the event is connected to as the first argument to the event callback, followed by any arguments that Roblox passed in.

local button = Roact.createElement("TextButton", {
    Text = "Click me!",
    Size =, 400, 0, 300),

    [Roact.Event.MouseButton1Click] = function(rbx)
        print("The button was clicked!")


Events will automatically be disconnected when a component instance is unmounted!

To listen to GetPropertyChangedSignal, Roact provides a similar API, using props like Roact.Change.PROPERTY_NAME:

local frame = Roact.createElement("Frame", {
    [Roact.Change.AbsoluteSize] = function(rbx)
        print("Absolute size changed to", rbx.AbsoluteSize)


Roact can trigger events while updating the tree! If Roact triggers an event handler that calls setState synchronously, an error will be thrown. In the future, Roact may delay evaluation of event handlers to prevent them from happening while Roact is modifying the tree.