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Mock Functions


Mock functions are also known as "spies", because they let you spy on the behavior of a function that is a direct (or indirect) collaborator of the module you're trying to test, rather than only testing the output. You can create a mock function with jest.fn(). If no implementation is given, the mock function will return nil when invoked.




Jest Aligned

Returns the mock name string set by calling mockFn.mockName(value).


Jest Aligned

An array containing the call arguments of all calls that have been made to this mock function. Each item in the array is an array of arguments that were passed during the call.

For example: A mock function f that has been called twice, with the arguments f('arg1', 'arg2'), and then with the arguments f('arg3', 'arg4'), would have a mock.calls array that looks like this:

{'arg1', 'arg2'},
{'arg3', 'arg4'},


Jest Deviation

An array containing the results of all calls that have been made to this mock function. Each entry in this array is an object containing a type property, and a value property. type will be one of the following:

  • 'return' - Indicates that the call completed by returning normally.
  • 'incomplete' - Indicates that the call has not yet completed. This occurs if you test the result from within the mock function itself, or from within a function that was called by the mock.

The value property contains the value that was thrown or returned. value is nil when type == 'incomplete'.

For example: A mock function f that has been called two times, returning 'result1', and then returning 'result2', would have a mock.results array that looks like this:

type = 'return',
value = 'result1',
type = 'return',
value = 'result2',


Jest Aligned

An array that contains all the object instances that have been instantiated from this mock function.

For example: A mock function that has been instantiated twice would have the following mock.instances array:

local mockFn = jest.fn()

local a =
local b =

mockFn.mock.instances[1] == a
mockFn.mock.instances[2] == b


Jest Aligned

An array containing the call arguments of the last call that was made to this mock function. If the function was not called, it will return nil.

For example: A mock function f that has been called twice, with the arguments f('arg1', 'arg2'), and then with the arguments f('arg3', 'arg4'), would have a mock.lastCall array that looks like this:

{'arg3', 'arg4'}


Jest Aligned

Clears all information stored in the mockFn.mock.calls, mockFn.mock.instances and mockFn.mock.results arrays. Often this is useful when you want to clean up a mocks usage data between two assertions.

Beware that mockClear will replace mockFn.mock, not just these three properties! You should, therefore, avoid assigning mockFn.mock to other variables, temporary or not, to make sure you don't access stale data.

The clearMocks configuration option is available to clear mocks automatically before each tests.


Jest Aligned

Does everything that mockFn.mockClear() does, and also removes any mocked return values or implementations.

This is useful when you want to completely reset a mock back to its initial state. (Note that resetting a spy will result in a function with no return value).

Beware that mockReset will replace mockFn.mock, not just mockFn.mock.calls and mockFn.mock.instances. You should, therefore, avoid assigning mockFn.mock to other variables, temporary or not, to make sure you don't access stale data.

The mockReset configuration option is available to reset mocks automatically before each test.


Jest Deviation

Accepts a function that should be used as the implementation of the mock. The mock itself will still record all calls that go into and instances that come from itself – the only difference is that the implementation will also be executed when the mock is called.

Note: jest.fn(implementation) is a shorthand for jest.fn().mockImplementation(implementation).

For example:

local mockFn = jest.fn().mockImplementation(function(scalar) return 42 + scalar end)
-- or: jest.fn(function(scalar) return 42 + scalar end)

local a = mockFn(0)
local b = mockFn(1)

a == 42 == true
b == 43 == true

mockFn.mock.calls[1][1] == 0 -- true
mockFn.mock.calls[2][1] == 1 -- true

Mocks should be lightweight and easy to maintain and/or refactor, so users should favor mockReturnValue over mockImplementation or mockImplementationOnce instead where possible.


Jest Aligned

Accepts a function that will be used as an implementation of the mock for one call to the mocked function. Can be chained so that multiple function calls produce different results.

local myMockFn = jest.fn()
.mockImplementationOnce(function(cb) return cb(nil, true) end)
.mockImplementationOnce(function(cb) return cb(nil, false) end)

myMockFn(function(err, val) print(val) end) -- true
myMockFn(function(err, val) print(val) end) -- false

When the mocked function runs out of implementations defined with mockImplementationOnce, it will execute the default implementation set with jest.fn(function() return defaultValue end) or .mockImplementation(function() return defaultValue end) if they were called:

local myMockFn = jest.fn(function() return 'default' end)
.mockImplementationOnce(function() return 'first call' end)
.mockImplementationOnce(function() return 'second call' end)

print(myMockFn()) -- 'first call'
print(myMockFn()) -- 'second call'
print(myMockFn()) -- 'default'
print(myMockFn()) -- 'default


Jest Aligned

Accepts a string to use in test result output in place of "jest.fn()" to indicate which mock function is being referenced.

For example:

local mockFn = jest.fn().mockName('mockedFunction')
-- mockFn()

Will result in this error:


Expected number of calls: >= 1
Received number of calls: 0


Jest Aligned

Sets the implementation of mockFn to return itself whenenever the mock function is called.


Jest Aligned

Accepts a value that will be returned whenever the mock function is called.

local mock = jest.fn()
mock() -- 42
mock() -- 43


Jest Aligned

Accepts a value that will be returned for one call to the mock function. Can be chained so that successive calls to the mock function return different values. When there are no more mockReturnValueOnce values to use, calls will return a value specified by mockReturnValue.

local myMockFn = jest.fn()
.mockReturnValueOnce('first call')
.mockReturnValueOnce('second call')

print(myMockFn()) -- > 'first call'
print(myMockFn()) -- > 'second call'
print(myMockFn()) -- > 'default'
print(myMockFn()) -- > 'default