
When you initialize your store with, you provide a single function called a reducer which will consume any action dispatched to your store and create a new state object based on the current state of your store.

local phoneNumberReducer = function(state, action)
    if action.type == "ReceivedNewPhoneNumber" then
        return action.phoneNumber

    return state

Note that state is never actually modified by our reducer. The state of our store is read-only, so our reducer must construct a new state object in response to the received action.

For complex applications, it is often useful to break down the global reducer you provide to the store into a set of smaller reducer functions, each of which is responsible for a portion of the state.

local friendsReducer = function(state, action)
        The state might be nil the first time this reducer is executed.
        In that case, we need to initialize our state to be the empty table.
    state = state or {}

    if action.type == "MadeNewFriends" then
        local newState = {}

        -- Since state is read-only, we copy it into newState
        for index, friend in ipairs(state) do
            newState[index] = friend

        for _, friend in ipairs(action.newFriends)
            table.insert(newState, friend)

        return newState

    return state

    note that the reducer for our entire application is defined by a table of
    sub-reducers where each sub-reducer is responsible for one portion of the
    overall state.
local reducer = function(state, action)
    return {
        myPhoneNumber = phoneNumberReducer(state.myPhoneNumber, action),
        myFriends = friendsReducer(state.myFriends, action),

Alternatively, you can use Rodux.createReducer and Rodux.combineReducers to generate the same code as seen above. Using Rodux.createReducer and Rodux.combineReducers to create your reducer functions isn't as verbose and is less prone to developer error.

local phoneNumberReducer = Rodux.createReducer(nil, {
    ReceivedNewPhoneNumber = function(state, action)
        return action.phoneNumber

local friendsReducer = Rodux.createReducer({}, {
    MadeNewFriends = function(state, action)
        local newState = {}

        -- Since state is read-only, we copy it into newState
        for index, friend in ipairs(state) do
            newState[index] = friend

        for _, friend in ipairs(action.friends)
            table.insert(newState, friend)

        return newState

local reducer = Rodux.combineReducers({
    myPhoneNumber = phoneNumberReducer,
    myFriends = friendsReducer,