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The Store

The store is comprised of three parts and is your main entry point for all things Rodux. It is created via


This is the object that contains all of the data backing the business logic of your application. It is usually represented as a Lua table and it can be read via Store:getState.

local exampleState = {
    myPhoneNumber = "15552345678",
    myFriends = {


This is a pure function that takes in an action object and the current state of your store and outputs a new state in response to the action. Reducers are often broken down into many individual pure functions, each of which modifies one portion of the state. You provide your global reducer to the store during initialization via See the Reducer page for more details.


This is the function of the store that handles incoming action objects and forwards them to your reducer. If you have applied any middleware to your store, the middleware will wrap this dispatcher function and reassign it such that the action will be passed through all of the middleware you provided to your store before forwarding the action object to the reducer. You can provide middleware to the store during initialization via

local store =, currentState)
    -- The body of your reducer

local state = store:getState()